Hudson River Center has been synonymous with adult education in New York State for over a decade. Working closely with the New York State Education Department and regional consortia, Hudson River Center provides services in:
Its activities have included:Instructional Design
The Adult Education Resource Guide and Learning Standards Kit (AERG) is part of a statewide effort to raise the standards of education. Hudson River Center worked extensively with a curriculum task force charged to develop a series of intended learning outcomes for four key areas of adult education. The outcome of this work was AERG. which is comprised of four manuals (described below) and a video.
Hudson River Center's An Introduction to Teaching Adults: Staff Development for Adult Educators is a series of staff development modules for teachers new to adult education. Both components, "Knowing Your Adult Students and Meeting Their Needs" and "Mandated Attendance: Making It Work," feature a videotape and accompanying text.
Education for Homeless Adults: Strategies for Implementation is a multi-volume resource addressing the specific needs and challenges of providing education to homeless people. For these guides, Hudson River Center pulled together recruitment and retention tips, resources, family literacy approaches, and over 70 sample lessons with corresponding handouts, making it useful educators of other disadvantaged populations, as well.
Hudson River Center is a major provider of professional development opportunities, whether workshops, conference, focus groups, or retreats. It has trained thousands of adult education teachers, administrators, counselors, and staff development specialists in both train-the-trainer and direct-training sessions. Topics have included:
Additionally, Hudson River Center has been active in providing workshops through adult education networks such as the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) and its New York chapter, NYACCE.
Web Design
Hudson River Center developed and manages a website devoted to adult education in New York State. CyberLiteracy New York ( seeks to improve the teaching and administrative capabilities of adult education professionals. The user-friendly site provides up-to-date information, connects practitioners to regional staff development opportunities, provides on-line access to curriculum, and links to national and other web resources.
A major function of CyberLiteracy New York is its clearinghouse. The clearinghouse connects users to curricula and training materials that can be downloaded for free or read on-line. Hard copies can also be ordered.
CyberLiteracy New York also serves as a method for soliciting input. Hudson River Center developed and posted two surveys on the "web" to gather data for a statewide technology planning effort. Feedback on a draft Guide for Program Managers of Adult Education Programs was gathered via CyberLiteracy New York as well.
Strategic Planning
From planning for technology to forecasting professional development needs, Hudson River Center has worked extensively with New York State's adult education teachers and administrators. For example:
Project Management/Coordination
Hudson River Center has provided support to the Office of Workforce Preparation and Continuing Education of the New York State Education Department on as-needed basis. A recent example of such support is helping create and operate a performance measurement system for adult basic and adult secondary education programs in New York State. For this effort, Hudson River Center created reporting instruments, wrote computer programs to compile data, and provided data management policy analysis.
Another example of Hudson River Center's support involves peer review. Hudson River Center helped train practitioners in the process of: