From training sessions to focus groups to facilitated meetings, Hudson River Center can help you develop your organization or specific project. Our ability to address our customers' needs has long been applauded by private, state, and federal agencies.

Training Sessions
Hudson River Center's content-specific training sessions are tailored to the needs, goals, and timeframes of the learners. A sample of our workshops is listed below by topic. However, we are always eager to custom design workshops, so give us a call! You can be assured of a high quality workshop - complete with clear objectives, active participation of learners, and valuable evaluations.

Adult Education
Citizenship Preparation
Corrections Education
Family Literacy
Protection from Harm
Social Marketing

What's New

Foundations Training

Instructional Design
Web Design
Strategic Planning
Project Management
Peer Assistance Network


Our Team


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Focus Groups
Our well-constructed focus groups offer you an excellent opportunity to solicit input from and build the support of your constituents. Trained facilitators from Hudson River Center's staff arrange, conduct, and follow up on these three-to four-hour discussions. We have successfully led focus groups for clients who sought to:

Facing a challenging project?... a challenging project made more difficult by too many opinions? Looking to achieve consensus? Call Hudson River Center! Whether one meeting or a series of them, we can help you build a foundation for success. Hudson River Center has facilitated board retreats and organizational meetings for many statewide associations, governmental agencies, and not-for-profit entities.