This page lists all the questions submitted in relation to performance indicators and ES-Star. You may access the response by clicking on the appropriate link.
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Performance Indicators
If someone scores below 8.9 on the TABE at intake and has a goal of finding employment, must they be reported in Performance Indicator 1.1? (January 2002)
Performance Indicator 1.1 is based upon adults who participate in at least 100 hours of instruction. If an adult participates in fewer hours of instruction, but shows the one grade-level gain, are they counted as having made the indicator? (January 2002)
If an adult's TABE score is below 9.0, but the adult passes the GED, are they counted as having made the indicator? (January 2002)
Can job training, if part of employment, be counted for both job training and employment? (both Performance Indicator 1.4 and 1.5)? (January 2002)
What do promotions for "Pre-K to Kindergarten" or "Kindergarten to 1st grade" etc. mean in Performance Indicator 1.9? (January 2002)
How do we get the information on attendance rates in Performance Indicator 1.9 from the parochial or private schools? Do we need to get a release of information from the parents? (January 2002)
When should the update of a family's income and number of children occur? (January 2004)
If two fully participating Even Start parents are divorced/separated and live in two households and share custody of a child, where do we put the child's associated data? Are they considered two different households with different Family Numbers? Or should they be considered as one household? (January 2004)
If one parent and the only child are not participating and not enrolled for a period of time and the other parent is still enrolled and participating in parent literacy and parent education, should the hours of participation for the parent still be counted? (January 2004)
Now that we are using the online version of ES-Star, should we continue to back up our data? (January 2004)
What is the process for a family to transfer from one Even Start Family Literacy program to another? (October 2005)
When should a program record the exit date a family is no longer participating in Even Start? (January 2004)
On ES-Star, programs are required to enter the type of position for each staff member. What is the difference between "providing academic instruction" and "supporting academic instruction"? (March 2005)
My family educators provide integrated instruction in the home and address early childhood education, parent literacy, and parenting. How should I record their full time equivalent (FTE) and their multiple roles? (March 2005)
What are examples of "other support staff"? (March 2005)
The family educators on our staff obtained their Teacher Assistant certification. The drop-down menu for "Type of Certification" does not include the teacher assistant title. Where should I record this? (March 2005)
Should staff who are no longer working with Even Star Family Literacy be included in ES-Star? (March 2005)
Should information on evaluators be included on the staff screen in ES-Star? (March 2005)
If a person has high literacy levels in their native language but no literacy in English, can we serve them? (January 2002)
Has the income index been lowered to federal poverty? Most programs have been using WIC, free and reduced lunch or TANF as income guidelines. (January 2002)
What is the measure of low literacy level in the performance indicators? (January 2002)
Why don't 100 percent of families have to have low poverty levels? (January 2002)
If a child is in third grade, but is 11 years old, do we still collect data (grade, attendance, etc.) on them? (January 2004)
If the youngest child ages out in July, can the family continue to participate in Even Start? (January 2004)
How do we handle a parent with a child in utero? At what point can we enroll her and the child? (February 2005)
One family that is served has a child age 8 who was previously enrolled in Even Start Family Literacy. The child occasionally participates and receives supplemental instruction. Should this child be included in the data if they are reading at or above grade level and have good attendance? (February 2005)
Instructional Hours
When counting hours, we count in separate components. Interactive activities impact all components at once. Why do we separate components hours? For example, reading an article about brain development promotes both parent literacy and parenting education as defined by Even Start. (January 2002)
Do we count the hours the teen parent is in the high school classroom toward the 100 hours of participation in Parent Literacy training? (January 2002)
Do all family members need to be present in order for instruction in a group setting to occur? (January 2004)
Program collaborators provide early childhood, parent literacy, and parenting education instruction that is not paid through Even Start dollars. Do these instructional hours count toward participation? (January 2004)
If a program has an educator or program staff that works directly in school with Even Start children, can we count this time as supplemental services even though it takes place during the school day? (January 2004)
How do we record the summer attendance hours of school-age children? (January 2004)
When reporting instructional hours occurring during interactive literacy activities between parent and child, should the hours be duplicated under parent literacy, parent education, and early childhood education? (January 2004)
How should the instructional hours offered be calculated? (February 2005)
One parent has a reading level below the second grade level and has a child who is entering second grade. The family educator is providing instruction on decoding, for the purpose of reading, to both at the same time. Can these hours of instruction be counted in both parent literacy (or adult education) and early childhood education since it is truly instruction to each person? (February 2005)
If an adult in an Even Start Program is now taking college classes, should the instructional hours count as adult education? What about homework hours? (February 2005)
Adult Assessment
Which form of the TABE should be used, the new or the old? (January 2002)
Are programs required to use the full battery of the TABE for pre- and post-tests? (January 2004)
Can TABE be used as both a pre-test and a post-test? (January 2004)
Our program serves teenage parents who are enrolled in high school. Should we assess these students using the TABE? (February 2005)
Should an adult be assessed using the TABE if the adult has a GED or high school diploma? (February 2005)
What are the guidelines for implementing the CASAS Functional Writing Assessment? (October 2005)
Child Assessment
Performance Indicator 1.7(a) states that children who score below the 50th percentile in either auditory comprehension or expressive communication on the PLS-3 are included in the indicator. However, the percentile increase for achieving this indicator is in both auditory comprehension and expressive communication. Why? (January 2002/Updated February 2005)
Why do we test children 6 months to 5 years of age with the PLS-3 or PLS-4 for Performance Indicators 1.7(a) and 1.7(b)? The children 6 months were hard to test. (January 2002/Updated February 2005)
Should we use only the English version of the PLS-3 or PLS-4 for reporting on Performance Indicator 1.7? (January 2002/Updated February 2005)
Parent Assessment
What are the requirements for administering the Parent Education Profile (PEP)? (January 2004)
Are parents included in the analysis of the Parenting Education Profile information? (January 2004)
I have a mom who exited in August and I went to enter the exit PEP and a screen pops up in red that says it has only been six months since the last PEP. I realize we do not put in the six month PEP score, but I am supposed to enter the exit PEP? (February 2005)
In conjunction with performance indicators and operating a quality program, New York State uses the term "representativeness." What does it mean? (February 2005)
What is New York State's objective for representativeness? (February 2005)
What are the representativeness formulas used on the program report? (February 2005)