Performance Indicators
If someone scores below 8.9 on the TABE at intake and has a goal of finding employment, must they be reported in Performance Indicator 1.1? (January 2002)
Yes. Adults who pre-test under 8.9 on the TABE are considered in this indicator, even if they do not have improving a grade level as a goal. All participating adults should have a literacy goal in either 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 (either short or long term). However, they need at least 100 hours of parent literacy training to be in the slice.
Performance Indicator 1.1 is based upon adults who participate in at least 100 hours of instruction. If an adult participates in fewer hours of instruction, but shows the one grade-level gain, are they counted as having made the indicator? (January 2002)
Yes, you may count the adult with less than 100 hours of participation; the database will include all adults that have two test scores.
If an adult's TABE score is below 9.0, but the adult passes the GED, are they counted as having made the indicator? (January 2002)
Yes. If a person receives a GED and scores below 9.0 on the TABE in math or reading, they are included in the indicator for GED.
Can job training, if part of employment, be counted for both job training and employment? (both Performance Indicator 1.4 and 1.5)? (January 2002)
No. If the job training is part of pre-employment preparation (for example, the first two weeks is on-the-job training leading to the job), this should be counted as entering employment in Performance Indicator 1.5. If the training is a separate vocational course, which might lead to a job, then it is considered as job training and is counted in Performance Indicator 1.4. If the parent gets a job after completing the training, it is then counted as employment in Performance Indicator 1.5.
What do promotions for "Pre-K to Kindergarten" or "Kindergarten to 1st grade" etc. mean in Performance Indicator 1.9? (January 2002)
Each district defines its own policy for promoting students to the next grade level. The district should communicate this policy to parents and inform the parents at the end of each school year that their child is either being promoted to the next grade or being retained. This indicator should reflect the percent of children that are being promoted based upon the district's policy. If the Even Start Program is serving children from multiple districts, the policies may differ from district to district, but the overall percentage from all districts should be reported.
How do we get the information on attendance rates in Performance Indicator 1.9 from the parochial or private schools? Do we need to get a release of information from the parents? (January 2002)
Statewide attendance rates are only established for public schools and are available through the school report card. Programs should be working with any school that children do attend or that children will attend upon reaching compulsory school age. Programs should have a specific release of information from parents for any information they are requesting directly from schools or any other agencies. Programs participating in data collection during the last program year have found this procedure to open doors and help to establish a working relationship with the schools and agencies that may not have existed before.