Parent Assessment
What are the requirements for administering the Parent Education Profile (PEP)? (January 2004)
Programs are required to administer PEP Scales I, II, III, and IV for parents who began participating in Even Start Family Literacy on or after July 1, 2002. Programs are required to administer PEP Scales II and III for parents who began participating in Even Start Family Literacy prior to July 1, 2002. While programs are encouraged to also begin using Scales I and IV with these parents, programs should not enter these scores in ES-Star.
The PEP is administered every six months to document growth and inform instruction. Programs should only enter the first assessment and the one administered after 12 months on ES-Star. For example, a parent begins Even Start Family Literacy in October. PEP Scales I through IV are administered and recorded in ES-Star as pre-test scores. The following April, six months after the first assessment, PEP Scales I through IV are administered. These scores will be used by program staff to inform instruction, but will not be entered into ES-Star. The next October, PEP Scales I through IV will again be administered. These scores will be entered into ES-Star and used to inform instruction.
Are parents included in the analysis of the Parenting Education Profile information? (January 2004)
Yes, if appropriate. Information gained from the Parenting Education Profile should be used to inform families what skills they have and what skills need to be developed. The information should also be used to plan instruction in parenting education.
I have a mom who exited in August and I went to enter the exit PEP and a screen pops up in red that says it has only been six months since the last PEP. I realize we do not put in the six- month PEP score, but I am supposed to enter the exit PEP? (February 2005)
No. There is no requirement for an exit PEP. Programs are required to assess all adults with the PEP. The PEP is administered at intake, at six months, and at 12 months. The purpose of the six-month assessment is to inform instruction and should not be entered into ES-Star.