What is the process for a family to transfer from one Even Start Family Literacy program to another? (October 2005)
There are three potential circumstances for families to transfer from one program to another:
Scenario A: families transferring from one program to a new eligible entity
Scenario B: families transferring from a closed program to an existing program
Scenario C: families transferring from one existing program to another existing program
For all of these scenarios, partnerships must establish eligibility for all families that will be enrolled in the program. Families must meet the States literacy and poverty guidelines, as well as the locally defined most-in-need criteria.
Programs are encouraged to use the most recent Parent Education Profile (PEP) and Preschool Language (PLS-IV) scores as the pre-test. Subsequent assessments will be administered 12 months from the pre-test date. Consider, as an example, a program that assessed a parent with the PEP in December 2004. The new eligible entity enrolled the parent in September 2005 and used the December 2004 scores as a pre-test entry in ES-Star. The new eligible entity will administer the PEP in December 2005 and record the scores as a post-test in ES-Star.
Programs may use current assessment scores as pre-tests. The TABE and Best Plus assessments are generally considered current if they were administered within six months and the learner has received regular instruction. Subsequent assessments will be conducted after 100 hours of instruction in the new program.
Special note for scenarios in which families transfer from one program to a new eligible entity:
Since the funding for new eligible entities begins September 1, instructional hours for the months of July and August may not be reported for the new eligible entity.
Special notes for scenarios in which families transfer from a closed program to an existing program:
The existing program should carefully consider how well the program model and most-in-need criteria fit the potential new family. Equally important is for potential families to consider their ability to commit to the requirements of the new program.
Since the funding for the closed program ends August 31, the existing program may report instructional hours for the months of July and August in ES-Star.
Special note for scenarios in which families transfer from one existing program to another existing program:
The new program should carefully consider how well the program model and most-in-need criteria fit the potential new family. Equally important is for potential families to consider their ability to commit to the requirements of the new program.
The new program may not report hours of instruction from the previous program.
When should a program record the exit date a family is no longer participating in Even Start? (January 2004)
Programs should enter the exit date as the last date that the family participated in the program and received instruction. In some cases, the exit date may not be clear (e.g., family moves and does not tell the program staff; program staff believe they will locate the family and continue serving them, but never do locate them), so the program should identify the last known date of family participation.
The end of a program year (June 30) presents additional challenges for programs. Some families may not participate during the summer months, but are expected to return in September. Programs typically do not enter an exit date for these families over the summer. In September, the program determines that the family is no longer participating, and needs to go back to the last date of participation. Programs should not carry these families over from the preceding program year in ES-Star. For these families, an exit date prior to July 1 should be entered to avoid the inclusion of these families in the subsequent program year.