Adult Education

The Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc. specializes in producing educational resources in adult education through funding by the New York State Education Department. Most recently, the Adult Education Resource Guide and Learning Standards has been produced. Accompanying this curriculum is a Collection of Learning Experiences, a series of lessons contributed by adult educators and judged as best practices by their peers. These landmark documents are intended to be resources for the national and statewide efforts to raise standards at all levels of education. If you work at the same time and have many other interests, but still want to complete all tasks on time and structure your academic duties, turn to the essay outline writing service, here they will really help you meet all deadlines on time. Such recommendations contribute to the development of fruitful partnerships with both program participants and sponsors.

Multi-media teaching packages have been developed for general adult education, as well as for specific populations needing adult literacy services, such as homeless adults and incarcerated youth and adults. Content and staff development materials for general adult education include health promotion, HIV education, mandated attendance, preservice for new adult educators, learning styles, and school-to-work.

HRCPD has a policy of including its consumers in the planning and production of new educational resources. Focus groups are held during the conceptualizing phase of the production. Focus group members and others periodically review the material to suggest additions and revisions -- and generally make sure we're on track. As a consequence, our resources are highly regarded as being "user friendly" and relevant to their original purpose.

We utilize a range of media in preparing our materials. Most often, we produce instructional guides for adult educators and hold workshops on their use. We also produce student workbooks for individual study. We recommend including audiotapes that exactly repeat the text to accompany the workbooks. The combination of visual and auditory stimuli makes the material easier to comprehend. For some projects, staff development videotapes have been produced. Upcoming projects will include a link to the Internet.

Our educational resources include: