In recognition that learners -- whether students in the classroom or employees in staff development training sessions -- acquire knowledge best according to preferred individual learning styles, HRCPD structures its teaching packages to reach as many learners as possible. Whether visual, auditory, kinesthetic, print-oriented, or group interactive, learners and teachers can find instructional packages that work! We offer:
Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach
Focusing on the connection between good health and learning, this series features a staff development videotape, teachers' guides, student workbooks, and audio-cassettes. Nine topics -- ranging from nutrition to health care resources to child safety -- are addressed.
An Introduction to Teaching Adults: Staff Development for Adult Educators
This series is useful to either inexperienced teachers or more experienced teachers who never have taught adults. The series consists of videotapes, each addressing a particular area or aspect of teaching adults, with accompanying print materials providing supplementary information. The series premieres with "Mandated Attendance: Making it Work" and "Knowing Your Adult Students and Meeting Their Needs."
From Incarceration to Productive Lifestyle: A Staff Development Package from New York State's Incarcerated Education Program
This package is intended to assist educational and corrections administrators and staff to develop and implement effective incarcerated education programs. Housed in a three-ring binder, it includes two videotapes, a program guidebook, and an instructional guide.
For more information or to order these materials, contact