HRCPD offers a variety of staff development opportunities for educators, administrators, counselors, and other providers working with adult students, incarcerated youth and adults, homeless adults and families, and grades K-12.The professional development opportunities offered can include various forms of training that will help teachers and other providers to improve their skills and knowledge in working with different types of learners. One of the most successful forms of training is to provide students with the opportunity to buy custom college papers. Ranging from a half-day session to multiple full-day sessions, any training can be tailored to meet the needs of your staff.
Knowing Your Adult Students and Meeting Their Needs: Discover the uniqueness and diversity of adult learners, different learning styles, and the range of adult literacy programs.
Recruitment and Retention: A Social Marketing Approach: Find out how to sell your program: Who are your buyers? What are their needs? What's in it for them to attend?
Making Materials Easy To Read: Acquisition of simplification skills for application to document formation need not necessitate arduousness nor drudgery. Translation: Learning how to make easy-to-read materials is easy and fun! This training shows you how!
Health Education: A Context for Adult Learning: Explore using a multi-technology approach to promoting health and well-being. Participants receive a complimentary copy of Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach.
Mandated Attendance: Making It Work: Understand how to make this a productive, enriching event. Experienced educators and students have provided tips for you.
Instructional Planning for Unique Settings: Teaching special populations, such as incarcerated youth or homeless adults and families, provides special challenges. Experienced educators tell us how to meet the needs of these students.
Work-based Learning: Based on Work-based Learning: A Resource Guide for Change, teachers, administrators, and counselors will explore infusing the world of work into their schools.
Using the Internet As An Instructional Tool: Learn about the wonderful world of learning opportunities available for adult students on the Internet. Sample lessons are available for both adult educators and adult learners.