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Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc.


Research and Development


The following are examples of our work in research and development:

  • Business Opportunities System (BOS) eLearning was developed by Hudson River Center in tandem with Electronic Data Systems for the U.S. Bureau of Veterans Affairs. In a distance-learning format, this course explains the features and functions of BOS, a customized procurement software program, to contracting officers who have varying levels of technical skills. BOS eLearning includes step-by-step instructions demonstrating “typical” functions of a contracting officer.

  • Hudson River Center created a state-of-the-art alcohol and substance abuse individualized learning program for inmates assigned to Special Housing Units (SHU). SHU inmates are either in solitary confinement or with a cellmate for twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Time to Think About Change was designed as a series of 120 sequential, one-hour, self-directed learning sessions. With its encouraging text and engaging graphics, the program was received very favorably by the intended audience.

  • Hudson River Center developed two sets of learning materials on keeping individuals with disabilities safe. Abuse and Neglect Prevention teaches caregivers about abuse and neglect, enhancing their skills to prevent such harm. The supervisors’ version of Abuse and Neglect Prevention extends the training to include creating work environments that support both individuals with disabilities and their caregivers. The learning materials include manuals for both trainers and participants, as well as training materials.

  • What is Abuse? How Do We Prevent It? is a facilitated videotape training package (participant manual, trainer’s guide, and videotape) designed by Hudson River Center. This package seeks to train caregivers on recognizing situations that may become abusive and on developing strategies to keep individuals with disabilities safe from harm. 

  • Health Promotion for Adult Literacy Students: An Empowering Approach is a multi-media instructional package consisting of a staff development videotape, teacher’s guides, and student workbooks with accompanying audiocassette tapes. In developing the series, Hudson River Center polled adult learners on their health concerns. Their responses were translated into the nine topics of the series. This series is currently in the process of being updated.

  • Hudson River Center staff were instrumental in pulling together a document for educating incarcerated women and their children on developing healthy lifestyles. Healthy Horizons describes the who, what, why, where, when, and how of a program addressing smoking cessation, addiction, HIV/AIDS, and self-care. Not only a curriculum guide, the document is also a training tool with outlines and materials necessary for providers carrying out the program on a day-to-day basis.

  • New York State’s Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services sought the support of Hudson River Center in preventing crisis situations and violence in the workplace. Specifically, Hudson River Center developed a classroom-based training program with the goal of maintaining a safe and therapeutic environment in Alcohol Treatment Centers. The resulting program, Violence Intervention and Prevention, consisted of an instructor guide, participant materials, train-the-trainer session, annual refresher, and a pre/post assessment mechanism. 

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Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc.