Promotional Materials

The Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc. produces promotional materials to market a variety of services in education, health, human services, and technology. Examples include:

Brochures: We gather information about your service and the marketing segments you want to attract. Prototypes are developed for your review and selection. We use emerging technology and the latest software to produce effective marketing tools at reasonable prices. Contact us for some samples!

Newsletters: Newsletters are an important way to keep the material and services you are promoting current. An example is Health Promotion Update, produced to update a health promotion series produced by HRCPD and funded by the New York State Education Department. The use of the latest technology and software allows us to produce these effective promotional materials at an affordable price.

Easy-to-read: Written materials produced for the general public are often far too difficult to read. This is particularly the case for health information, brochures, newsletters, etc. If you think your written word is important enough to publish, it's also important that your customers can read it. Let us help by making your materials easy-to-read.

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