AIDS Hotline |
800.541.AIDS |
Child Abuse (English/Spanish) |
800.342.3720 |
Children's Issues/New York Parents |
800.345.KIDS |
Drug and Alcohol Abuse |
800.522.5353 |
Growing Up Healthy 24-Hour Hotline |
800.522.5006 |
Maternity Care |
800.592.4357 |
Missing Children Hotline |
Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (English/Spanish) |
800.342.3009 |
Runaways (English/Spanish) |
800.231.6946 |
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Hotline |
800.336.SIDS |
Cooperative Extension (nutrition, consumerism)*
American Red Cross (first aid, baby-sitting classes)*
NYS Department of Health (disability prevention, child-proofing, safety) 518.474.2084
Bureau of Injury Prevention 518.473.1143
* Consult your telephone directory for the office nearest you.