"We must prepare people in what nobody knew yesterday, for what nobody knows yet, but for what they will find out tomorrow." Margaret Mead (taken from Review of Research Integrated Learning by Castallo and White) The National Adult Literacy Survey of 1993 showed that the skills of more than 40% of all American adults are below the New Basic Skills benchmark (level 3 on the NALS 5-level scale).1 The International Adult Literacy Survey (1995) confirmed these findings, placing the United States sixth out of seven industrialized countries.2 (Another national survey is planned for 2002.) Mirroring these national statistics, adult educators in New York State (NYS) face a tremendous challenge:
As implied by the preceding list, the needs of learners in NYS are manifold. In fact, the learners themselves are tremendously diverse. They range from native-born to new immigrants, from English proficient to no English proficiency, from trained to unskilled, and from unemployed to employed. Within this diversity, however, overall learner goals can be distilled into four categories:
Equipped for the Future recognized the multiple roles of adults. In addition to being a learner, an adult is also a worker, family member, and community member. These multiple roles often compete for a learner's time and attention. In order to fulfill the demands of their multiple roles, adults must develop and continually improve their basic reading and writing, speaking and listening, and functional and workplace skills. Efforts at the national and state levels have begun to define what skills are necessary to compete in a global economy and to fully function in an ever-changing society. The Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) defined the core competencies an individual needs to succeed in today's marketplace. Industry-specific national skill standards moved beyond SCANS in defining necessary competencies. Equipped for the Future defined the skills adult learners need to be successful in all aspects of their lives. In addition to meeting these skills, learners face the challenge of achieving certain academic standards. For example, the New York State Education Department, in its mission to raise the knowledge, skill, and opportunity of all people in New York, defined learning standards. Intended for preschoolers through adult students, the standards address seven areas, including career development. The learning standards were specifically connected to adult education practice in the Adult Education Resource Guide and Learning Standards (AERG). The Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) supplement to AERG connects the learning standards to adult career and employment goals. The WIA Challenge Aside from the emerging emphasis on skill standards, the largest issue currently challenging adult education is welfare reform and the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) is the new Title II of WIA. Title II implements a customer-oriented system requiring collaboration, coordination, and accountability at both the state and local levels to ensure the non-duplication of services and the demonstration of program effectiveness. WIA Title II focuses on providing education services to eligible individuals so they can:
WIA requires extensive coordination and collaboration at the local and regional levels. It includes a comprehensive student accountability system with three core indicators: educational gain; placement in employment, retention, postsecondary education, and other education and training programs; and attainment of secondary credentials (GED).