New York State Even Start Family Literacy Coordinator
The New York State Even Start Family Literacy Coordinator provides overall support to Even Start Family Literacy programs across the state. With input from the United States Department of Education and from the New York State Education Department, the coordinator establishes statewide goals and policies, aligning resources to support their achievement. The coordinator directs statewide initiatives, including technical assistance, professional development, and product development. Furthermore, the coordinator monitors local programs to ensure compliance with state and federal statute and regulations.
For more information:
DeSylvia Dwyer
New York State Education Department
Early Education and Reading Initiatives Team
Room 318 EBA
Albany, New York 12234
telephone: 518-474-5807
facsimile: 518-486-7290
email: [email protected]
The Even Start Family Literacy Technical Assistance Contract
This contract brings together Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc. (Hudson River Center), RMC Research, Inc., and expert consultants to provide support to the State Education Department, demonstration leaders and staff, regional coordinators, workgroups, mentors, local program coordinators, and local evaluators. Through this contract:
systems for implementing decentralized professional development and technical assistance are developed.
resources supporting program development, implementation, and evaluation are produced.
For more information:
Hudson River Center for Program Development, Inc.
RMC Research, Inc.
Demonstration Sites
Four demonstration sites in New York State serve as training and resource centers for local programs within a defined geographic area. The sites provide a model for replication and pilot the application of new research, instructional strategies, and training.
In addition to operating a high-quality program, each demonstration site represents the State Education Department. In this capacity, demonstration sites bring their experience and knowledge of Even Start Family Literacy and management to support state technical assistance and professional development efforts.
For more information:
Program Sepecialists
Program Consultants
Each demonstration site coordinates the efforts of a program consultant who provides general technical assistance through observation, reflection, and feedback.
For more information:
Program Consultants
Regional Coordinators
Regional coordinators are local program coordinators identified by the State Education Department to disseminate information, facilitate the delivery of professional development, and serve as a referral resource for local programs. The seven regional coordinators work within defined geographic areas and serve as liaisons to the State Education Department and the demonstration sites. They convene meetings of the program leaders in their region every four to six weeks.
For more information:
Regional Coordinators
Mentors are local program coordinators who work with new programs or who work with experienced programs within key content areas.
Peer mentors work closely with new Even Start Family Literacy programs by providing support, resources, and assistance during the critical first year.
Content mentors, or coaches, are individuals with significant experience in a respective content area. Content mentors provide support, assistance, and resources to support the continuous improvement of local programs. At this time, content mentors with expertise in performance indicators are available to help programs understand and operate the ES-Star system.
For more information:
Performance Indicator Content Mentors
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